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Act as if you...  is an acting & pitching workshop for Female and Non Binary Founders, CEO's, COO's, CxO's, Entrepreneurs, Directors, Managers and people who want to raise their voices...


It's all in the three dots... what do you want to be?...


Hi my name is Louise Osbourne and I have been running an acting school in Birmingham U.K for fifteen years. My class takes all abilities of actors and over a period of three months my students gain confidence to stand up in front of strangers and explore different characters through improv and scene work.
Over this time, I have noticed a lot of people come through my door not necessarily to act but to find their voice and step out of their comfort zone.

I have just returned from Los Angeles where I ran an acting / pitching workshop for Entrepreneurs and it was a huge success with people flying in from as far as Australia to attend. And now we are offering it here in Birmingham and London.

Through consistent belief and action we have the ability to transform our self-identity.

Act as if you...

Own the room...

Act as if you...

Have already landed it...

Act as if you...

Feel super confident...

Act as if you...

Have already succeeded...

Act as if you...

Have the solution to their problem...

Act as if you...

Are excited to tell your story...

Act as if you...

Love pitching and presenting...

Act as if you...

Are speaking to friends...

Louise Osbourne


Louise Osbourne is an Irish born, award winning actor, writer and producer who spent many years in LA working with Oscar winning actors such as Catherine Zeta-Jones, Julia Roberts, Dianne Keaton and many more.  


When she relocated to Birmingham in 2011 she set up ACTING FOR SCREEN. Using all her knowledge of the industry she helps to guide actors to their fullest potential putting them on camera every week and teaching them how to nail that audition. 


Louise has had many actors leave her class to go on and star in hugely successful TV shows and films such as SEX EDUCATION, SANDMAN and MORTAL KOMBAT 2. 


Louise is also one of three founders of the Birmingham Film & TV Market an annual event linking filmmakers with some of the top production companies in the UK, she has close ties with SKY, C4, BBC1 and IMAGINE ENTERTAINMENT in Los Angeles.

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